Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kyle Brown Intro

Hello Internet, Kyle Brown here. The fatter/sexier guy in the picture above. This is the FIRST EVER POST on what will be the start of the greatest collection of thoughts ever put together. Okay, maybe I'm over estimating myself....but I will not be on this journey alone. Ive enlisted a few of my friends. They will introduce themselves as they start to post. So I figured Id start with an intro of myself as the title leads you to believe (see im already a man of my word). I don't want this to seem like the first day of class so let me think of the important things you should know about me. OK got it!

1.Drinks- Bourbon,
2.Sex- With Women
3.Teams- Bengals, Reds, UK
4.Movie- Old School, Die Hard
5.Doppelganger- Kevin James
6.Throws- Right
7.Bats- Switch hitter, but only on the baseball field(see #2 Sex)
8.Nicknames- Brown Bear, Browntown, KB
9.Food- Wings
10.Best Characteristic- Sense of Humor
11.Worst Characteristic- Sense of Humor
12.Music- No Country, unless she likes it(again see #2 Sex)
13.Sports I like to play but stink at- Golf, Soccer, Solfball, Fantasy Football, really everything
14.Celebrity Crush- Blake Lively
15.Reads- Whatever she is interested in (again see #2 Sex)

I guess that covers it. So that's kinda a look inside my over sized head. I know what your thinking, I'm the most unique person ever. See that's that Sense of Humor kicking in.I will also be in charge of a segment called "CLOWN OF THE WEEK". If you look to your right you will see this. Clown of the week is not a positive thing to be named. Kinda self explanatory otherwise.One last thing, I will warn you about what you probably have already noticed. I will produces the most spelling errors, and other injustices toward the English language than any other person you will ever read.So just don't be a dick about it.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle Brown- "CLOWN OF THE WEEK"
    This site has been up for a week... I haven't recieved any information about my login, my blog, or what I'm supposed to be writting. I'm currently on yet another SE Asian Adventure, gaining material literally by the minute, And I have to find out that this website has gone live by a secondary souce. There are Fails and there are Epic Fails, and this sir, falls into the later of those catagories.
    - T.K.
