Monday, February 14, 2011

When we started this blog I wanted my posts to reflect my personality. I am pretty much obsessed with sports, so that's why everything has been sports related thus far. But I have other interest. So this will be my first attempt at a non-sports post. Yesterday I saw the new Adam Sandler film "Just Go With It". I know what your thinking, "oh this Kyle guy is so interesting. He likes sports and Adam Sandler movies. What a unique guy". Well, that's what I like so BACK OFF!(anyone catch that reference?) Now the movie was entertaining to say the least. If you think Adam Sandler is funny and Brooklyn Decker and Jenny Aniston are good looking then you will like this movie. When seeing a movie the best thing an audience member can do is realize what kind of movie you are about to watch. Sandler doesn't try to win Oscars. Now Sandler has a sports connection. Hes made several sports movies including, The Waterboy, Happy Gilmore and The Longest Yard. He is a giant Jets fan. Did that word choice confuse anyone? Hahaha. Also he puts my favorite sports talk host in his movies, Dan Patrick. DP is actually pretty funny in this latest appearance. Now I know a good amount of people that don't care for Sandler. This confuses me. He brings to the table everything you could want in a comedic movie star. First off he comes from Saturday Night Live. SNL is and always has been hit or miss from skit to skit, but it always finds and elevate stars. A quick list is Chevy Chase, Will Ferrell, John Belushi, Bill Murry and on and on. Sandler also has the "2 classic" movies I think every comedic actor has. This is a theory of mine. Adams are "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmore". Now "Big Daddy" is a borderline classic to me. This is where Sandler starts to do his male fans a big favor. He adds just enough heart and/or romance to his movies where you can sell you girlfriend to go see it. "Just Go with it" is no exception to this. To compare, most women don't care for Will Ferrell movies. Sure they like Anchorman but who doesn't. If your significant other likes "Semi-Pro" or "Land of the Lost" you have a keeper my friend!. So I think I have come to a conclusion. Sandler will be the first entry into the Kyle Brown comedy Hall of Fame. Ill come up with a better name later. Plus this post gave me an excuse to show a picture of Brooklyn Decker. YIKES!! Now theres something Ive always admired about Sandler. Hes a smart man. He put his friends in his movies. This way instead of being on a movie set, hes on a movie set with all his friends.I mean for what other reason is Dave Mathews there. I admire the loyalty he has. Also hes no dummy. Casting women like Brooklyn and Aniston is a veteran move. Hes graduated form his Drew Barrymore days.

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