Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who would you go with?

This just in to the Bottle Service sports desk "The Super Bowl is Sunday"! OK so you already knew that.GOOD FOR YOU(in Christian Bale voice). As I start to get pumped up like Hans and Fraz for the biggest sporting event of the year, I start to think of many different things. What would it be like to be a Super Bowl champion? Do I have to suffer through another off season with the hated Steelers as champions? How many wings can I eat during the Super Bowl? Will the owners and players agree on a new CBA in time for next year? Do I dip my wings in ranch or blue cheese? Will I be stuck watching the Super Bowl with my dad, the Steelers fan? But most of all is, Which of my teams would I pick to win the championship next year? Well, for me I basically have 4 teams to choice from. Those teams are Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Bengals, U of Kentucky basketball, U of Kentucky football. I start by saying even though I love all my teams equally. But like the lone black guy in every horror movie, I immediately eliminate the Reds and UK basketball. Even though both my parents and I worked for the Reds and My dad has a NL Championship ring from when he was a Bat Boy I have seen a Reds World Series before (1990). Now my most beloved team is UK basketball. I cant explain the love affair between that team and the students and rest of the state. its kinda like how Ron Burgundy loves Baxter. If you went to UK like I did you know what I'm talking about. I also have seen them win before (1996 & 1998). So it comes down to my two football teams. even though I would openly say that I am a bigger Bengals fan than UK football, I would have to choose University of Kentucky Football to win next years BCS Championship. My reason being that this is the most unlikely of the 4 to actually win during my life. Believe it or not the Bengals have made it to 2 Super Bowls. The only thing holding the Bengals back is ownership. Mike Brown is 50 years older than I (give or take a year) and will surly die before me. So new ownership will come in my life time. There is no better sporting event than a SEC football game, Super Bowl included. To be able to live through an undefeated season and see the CATS play in a BCS setting is to good to pass. I also asked my fellow BS contributors this question. Jason chooses the "Washington Redskins, because they were my first love and when you get down to it DC is a football city" He also added that winning the Super Bowl is " as big as it gets in this country". Brady (who we are still waiting to make his long awaited debut on BS)says Cincinnati Bengals for "obvious reason". He also added "describing what it would be like to see the whodey win a Super Bowl can not be put into words". The Ty King, who is are elusive 4th contributor was unable to be reach for comment due to his involvement in SE Asia right now. My guess for T.K. would be the Thailand Tigers. He loves those fuckers. and my Mom says "Go Cats" even though I didn't ask for her input....Anyway we all picked football teams. I do think the time of year I asked this question has an effect on who we picked. Also this shows this nations obsession with football. Thats my take, I would love to see others inputs and thoughts. So think of this as the first test on the Bottle Service nation. We want in put!

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